Pixi is collection of SVG Charts written in pure Javascript with no dependencies.
Pixi Charts
Line Charts
Column Charts
Bar Charts
Area Charts
Pie Charts
Gauge Charts
Other Charts
Pixi Maps
Pixi GIS Maps
Get Pixi
Add Pixi to your project in just a few minutes.

Pixi is a stand-alone charting and mapping library. It is just plain Javascript. You don't need third-party libraries.
The distribution for making charts contains the two files required for your project: pixicharts.min.js and pixicharts.min.css, and a few html files as example.
The distribution for making maps contains two files too: piximaps.min.js and piximaps.min.css, a few html files as example, and a collection of SVG country maps in JSON format.
Download Pixicharts 1.1.0 Download Piximaps 1.1.0
Pixicharts SHA-1: d8ff45ab33bf78d0eb19174b43ea64fe1168ef85
Piximaps SHA-1: 216e1aa882dfc6784656ab43bc01a822858c1bb6
You can get Pixi documentation here.
Pricing Plans
These pricing plans cover a premium support for a period of 12 months.
one domain
This edition is intended to be deployed on a personal or a non-profit single web application.
Fair Help
one domain
This edition is intended to be deployed on a single web application which is used internally within a single organization.
multiple domains
This edition is intended to be deployed on unlimited web applications owned and operated internally by a single organization.
SaaS / OEM
This edition is intended to be deployed on a hosted Software as a Service product or to be distributed within a commercial software or hardware product.
About Us
Mobilabs is an IT company developing its expertise on network centric digital solutions.

Headquartered near Paris, France, Artelsys is an innovative IP and new product development company using open source proven technologies to delivering seamless, networks platforms leveraging mobility and decreasing cloud constraints.
Mobilabs was created with the aim to regroup in one entity all the resources in charge of developing software products for our customers.
Every day, Mobilabs teams seek to invent secure, collaborative an network centric digital solutions with a unique combination of web and mobile development excellence and certified quality driven processes.
Give us a call to talk about how our technologies can help you leverage your mobility solutions and get to market faster at a fraction of the development cost.
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Please contact us regarding any questions about our products or services.
6, avenue du Maréchal Leclerc
92 240 Malakoff
P. +33 (0)1 49 853 251
E. mobilabs@artelsys.com
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